
What's In My Bag?

Hello Everyone,
What's in my bag? I though I'd do this as a post because I personally don't like big bags. I find small bags much easier to carry but that also means I cant put a million things in them so I do have to be quite selective. Because of this I though id let you know what you can put in to a small bag and still have everything you need. 
I am such a fussy person when it comes to bags however on the weekend I was looking around the shops and I came across this little guy. I really like it as it has everything I was  looking for and it was only £10 from Primark. The chances are its not going to last for to long but I just had to get it.

The bag isn't this shiny, it just looks a little odd in the photo
So what's in it?
To start, I always have a portable flack. I get very cold and why buy a hot drink all the time when you can make one at home! I have a cute Christmassy one which my friend Jenna (check out her blog) got me for secret Santa. It also fits nice and snug in my bag.
Next I have a book to read on long journeys and a little note pad so I can write things down to remember. Both of these are quite small so I can put in in my bag in a file like way.
I then have any work books that I need for that day. (Sometimes I don't have any books to take in but I usually do have at least one.)
Next I have ear phones. I have these where ever I go. They are so handy if I'm working in a noisy environment or even if I'm traveling around.
Through out the day my make up starts to wear of , this isn't good so I always have a little make up bag in my bag. Its so small I just pop it in in the morning. One of my friends Amy gave this to me for Christmas but I think its from Primark.(She to has a blog so check that out)
In this little purse I simply carry, a powder, lip balm, beauty blender, concealer, a portable perfume bottle, a compact deodorant and a clear nail varnish. I don't always use these products but its nice to know they are there just in case.
Last but not least I have a wide tooth comb. If my hair is down ill pop this into my bag. The reason I don't bring a big brush is simply because they take up to much room. A wide tooth comb is flat so I can just put in in front of my books.
That's what's in my bag. Not all of these things come with me every day but they are what are usually in my bag on a day to day basis.
I hope you have enjoyed this and hopefully it's helped you to either cut down the things that are in your bag, or given you an idea on how to fit everything in a small bag.
Also iv mentioned a few people in this post but I though I'd also add in amber, check out her blog too! - if you would like a mention just leave a comment and ill do that in my next post<3
Much Love Chloe x


  1. I followed your blog! It's nice ! Can i count on your follow? :)

    1. aw thank you, and of course you can, ill follow now :) xxx

  2. Your bag is oh so cute!!!

    1. aw thank you, it took my ages to find ahah xxx

  3. Hi Chloe! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment to let me know you were there!

    I absolutely adore your blog! Omgosh this bag you are currently carrying is so pretty!!! I am the total opposite of you, I carry my life in my purse lol! I wish I knew how to cut down some! I definitely took down notes from you that's for sure! Thanks so much for sharing this with us hun! xx

    1. That's okayy !!<3 aw thank you ahha!! But really , I think it's best to try and get rid of the things you won't need but it's so tricky because you think what if i do need it aha , I'm really glad it has helped and thank you for commenting !<3

  4. The little pink tin! I haven't seen that in ages, takes me back to college & high school haha. The bag is really cute and only £10, great! A little notepad is a must :)

    Yasmeen x

    1. Yehh ahha , I mainly got it because it's animal test free ! But it is really good ! Aw thank you and I know I couldn't believe is was so cheap , and yehh it is , thank you for commenting <3xxxx

  5. I like your bag! :) Great blog too!

    Sarah x

    1. Aw thanks you ! I checked out your blog to as it's super cute ! Xxx
