
D.I.Y shirt collar

Hello everyone,

Nothings is better than getting your moneys worth out of a new top, but sometimes that means doing a little D.I.Y. This is going to be a super easy way to re-decorate the collar of an old shirt.
You are going to need:

·       A shirt with a collar
·       Scissors
·       CD
·       Glue - preferably fabric blue but any glue will be fine however you may not be able to wash your top if you use PVA glue.

 Step 1: you want to cut a triangle out of your CD
Step 2: There should be two layers to this and you need to separate them. If you finding it had to pull them apart you can use a knife however it should be fairly easy to do.
Step 3: Taking the reflective side, you want to begin cutting some shapes. I personally made all my shapes straight edged and small however you can do anything you would like.
Step 4: Once you have enough pieces, begin to roughly put them in an order you think you would like. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect and you can always cut specific shapes to fit in the gaps. For my shirt I’m only going to the front of the collar however you can go all the way around or half way if you would prefer.
Step 5: glue them all down.
And that is it, my finished shirt looks like this:
This is a really fun new way to jazz up some old shirts. You could do, stripes, spots, anything you'd like. If you would like any more D.I.Y posts feel free to leave a comment below.
Much Love Chloe x

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